Sermon freely based on Henkes

The sermon shown is part of the play "Wrestled" and was not delivered word for word by Richard Henkes.

The text is based on preserved fragments, Henkes' linguistic style, and the actual theme of his last sermon delivered before his arrest.

Text of the sermon

"What can separate us from the love of Christ? Distress or hardship or persecution, famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written (Psalm 44:23): 'For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.'" (Romans 8:35-36)

Beloved sisters and brothers,
what can separate us – who will separate us from the love of Christ?

Ja, es gibt Kräfte, die uns von der Liebe Christi trennen wollen … die uns die Überzeugung rauben wollen, dass ausnahmslos jeder Mensch von Gott bejaht und geliebt ist. …

These forces fight with all means in us and around us. They fight with sword and persecution, with fear and oppression. They want to separate man from God, his Creator. God his Creator. They want to gain power over man as master race. - With their With their obsession with power, they put themselves in the place of God.

They stop at nothing, do not stop at the old, the sick and the disabled, at the defenceless and the disadvantaged. the defenceless and the disadvantaged. They show pictures of people with hydrocephalus and damaged They expose and ridicule them. They call these people who need our help "pests of the people's wealth". They would eat the food of the supposedly healthy They would eat the food of the supposedly healthy, only cause costs and contribute nothing to the common good.

Those who speak in this way place themselves above God, presume to divide God's image: Into races and people, marginalised groups and minorities, healthy and sick, worthy of life and unworthy of life. unworthy of life.

But who is sick and who is healthy?

A healthy person recognises the value and inviolable dignity of his fellow human being and stands up for it. stands up for it. He provides help when it is needed. He cares for the other person and lets him experience humanity. A Christian looks to Jesus and takes his philanthropy as an example. Jesus' philanthropy as a model. He orients himself on Jesus, who made God's love for every single individual human being. And he sees Jesus in every needy person he meets. he encounters.

Beloved, the Christian conviction that every human being is willed and loved by God makes us the disregard of God and the disregard of human dignity and humanity as the true sickness. as the true disease. And I call what happens to the handicapped and those in need of care as what it is: the "murder of the defenceless" and thus the murder of humanity.

"What can separate us from the love of Christ? I am sure that neither death nor life, neither the present neither things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor any creature, can separate us separate us from the love of God." (from Romans 8:35-39)

Brothers and sisters, this is the centre! We stand for this truth. For the dignity of every human being, we are called to fight in word and deed!
Alone we are overwhelmed. But God is with us and gives us the strength. His truth and love set us free from fear for ourselves.
Yes, be sure: The Lord God strengthens our commitment and struggle for the oppressed and degraded human being. degraded human being. - (AMEN)

Download sermon (pdf/german)