
Exhibition: Graphic Documentary

The Digital Guide provides contextual information on the images on display in the exhibition on Father Richard Henkes.

The guide in German and Czech accompanies your visit through the exhibition "And when the truth destroys me" about the life story of the Pallottine priest Richard Henkes, who died in Dachau concentration camp in February 1945.

Our guide can be accessed online through the QR code at the beginning of the exhibition. The guide provides additional background information, historical documents, as well as video and audio clips related to the exhibited scenes of the graphic documentary. All information is also available online outside of the exhibition.

Out of consideration for other visitors, we kindly ask you to wear headphones.

Über Werk und Künstler*in

Eindrücklich und lebendig erzählt das Illustratorengespann Volker Schlecht und Alexandra Kardinar unter dem Künstlernamen „Drushba Pankow“ den Lebensweg des Pallottinerpaters Richard Henkes als Graphic Documentary. Auf der Grundlage historischer Geschehnisse und überlieferter Briefe von Richard Henkes schildern die Illustrationen beinahe filmisch seinen Weg zum Märtyrer der Nächstenliebe.

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